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Payment Methods (Canada)
Due to the nature of the vape industry, most payment processors (Credit Card, Paypal etc) will not support transactions for vape products in Canada or do so with unfair rates and restrictions. Fortunately for Canadians there is a great, easy to use alternative in the form of Email Money Transfers.
Email Money Transfers are secure transactions handled by your personal bank and the Interac network at a fraction of the cost of other processors. Because the transaction is handled directly by your bank, etransfers are as secure as any other option and often are free to make or cost a nominal amount. These transactions are supported by over 200 banks and financial institutions in Canada.
To send an Email Money Transfer you simply log into your online banking account or web banking account and look for the Interac Email Transfer or Email Money Transfer section. Each bank may have a different process but typically you first need to add a new contact and then you can select that contact to send a transfer to. Your bank will be able to help you with the process if you are not familier with it.
These transactions take place on your banks website and no information is ever passed to our website or server.
Email Money Transfers can be send to:
Midnight Vaper is registered for auto deposit so you should not need to use a security question and answer, however if you find your bank is asking you for these you are free to use anything you like for them. Just be sure you are sending the transfer to the correct email address: as Midnight Vaper will be unable to collect any transfer that has been sent to an incorrect address and will have no control over what happens to that transfer.
Visit the Interac website for more information on Email Money Transfers.
**Note** If you would like to discuss using a different payment method please email for assitance.